Exotic Shrimps on a Zucchini and Pasta Bed

Exotic Shrimps on a Zucchini and Pasta Bed

The marinating time is the secret of this tasty, beautiful and light dish!

The ingredients were fast assembled and the cooking time were very short.

You need

o    4 garlic cloves

o    2 tablespoons grated fresh ginger

o    1 teaspoon turmeric

o    1/4 teaspoon Sichuan pepper, roasted and grinded

o    2 tablespoon light soya sauce

o    Pepper to taste

o    400 g shrimps, uncooked peeled and tail on

o    400 g Zucchini

o    2 teaspoons salt

o    8 tablespoons olive oil

o    400 g Chinese noodles (substitute spaghetti)

o    2 tablespoons brandy, alternative 4 tablespoon coconut milk

o    1 tablespoon fresh coriander chopped


  1. Combine in a bowl garlic, ginger, turmeric, Sichuan pepper, soya sauce and pepper.
  2. Add shrimps and let marinate for about one hours.
  3. Cut zucchini in long strips, place in bowl and toss with salt. Let soak water for 30 minutes.
  4. Rinse zucchini under current water and place on a sieve to drop down.
  5. Bring salted water with the addition of two tablespoon olive oil (you don’t need to use olive oil for this step) and cook pasta according instructions. When it’s ready add zucchini to the water and drain immediately. Place on a bowl and toss with 2 tablespoons olive oil.
  6. During cooking (ore after the pasta is ready if it’s for you easier) time heat remaining oil in a skillet. Stir fry shrimps until they change their color on both sides.  Add 2 tablespoons water, bandy and coriander.
  7. Serve springs over pasta-zucchini mix.

2 thoughts on “Exotic Shrimps on a Zucchini and Pasta Bed

  1. A very simple and pleasing dinner, all my favourite things in one recipe! Thank you, lots of flavour and so easily prepared, made and enjoyed for Consideration Tag Game


    • Thanks a lot Karen for trying one more recipe of my collection! I’m happy this worked for you as this is one of the recipes I made several times and I keep for safe in my site. Thanks for the great review!


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