Switzerland: Tremola – Old Road over the St. Gotthard Pass

Yesterday we had the chance to see the Tremola road in half embedded from clouds while a few sun-rays highlighted this extremely beautiful landscape.

Since a few year the traffic jam for the Gotthard tunnel let tourist wait a long time (even hours) to pass the tunnel and reach the other side of the alps. In winter we don’t have many other chances if we don’t want to surround the place and take another way, but during summer times, after the snow disappeared there is another option: the highway over the the Gotthard pass or even the Tremola.  The Tremola is most beautiful of all Alpine roads. From Airolo, the historic pass road snakes around hairpin bends up to the Gotthard.  In our case we were on the highway, we planned to be at home before dinner and so we escaped the traffic jam and we headed up to the mountains.

I still can remember as a long long time ago, as I was a child we drove over the Tremola and how seasick I felt! Well, yesterday noticed the road in a different coat, the soft cloud framed it so beautifully that I had to try to take a few snapshot from the driving car (I was not driving myself!  🙂 ).

So beautiful!


Some random links concerming the Tremola:









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